Building A Digital Marketing Strategy With digifora

Digital marketing is simple in concept, but tricky in execution. You need to have relevant information, empowered expert analysis, and a holistic knowledge of your options, audience, and overall goals. 

Here is how we craft comprehensive, high-performing digital marketing campaigns at digifora.

Identify Your Digital Marketing Needs

Before you even begin building a strategy, you need to evaluate your needs. This probably isn’t news for you. Everyone starts a strategy session with this step.

That said, the way you evaluate makes a big difference. We tend to break our evaluations into three categories. You can call them “Good, Better, and Best.” Another option is “Crawl, Walk, Run.”

Every brand falls into one of these three categories. Let’s take a quick look at each one in detail.

The Crawl Stage

If you’re in the Crawl stage, you are just beginning to understand what a marketing strategy looks like for your brand and how that translates to the digital landscape. You’re likely setting up and exploring tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. You might be taking a digital marketing class or assessing your resources and setting budgets.

If you’re in this stage, our goal is to help you build a steady foundation. We don’t want to go too far, too fast. Growth hacking is overrated, and you won’t have sustainable results.

Instead, we focus on helping educate and orient you. We help you accelerate your set-up and fast-track your digital marketing strategy creation without putting too much stress on you, your team, and your new marketing systems.

The Walk Stage

If you’re in the Walk stage, you’re already looking at analytics and metrics. You also likely are aware of what’s beyond that and you want to understand what drives everything. 

You might have a fundamental grasp of the basic tools, understand paid vs organic marketing, and even have a one-solution campaign to put people in your funnel. But you need help segmenting, targeting, and seeing the nuances within your digital marketing efforts.

In this case, our team of industry veterans helps you understand things like what channels are driving traffic or how your audience is engaging with content. We help decide what combinations of paid search, video, organic, and other digital marketing tools you should be using.

The Run Stage

If you’re in the Run stage, you already understand what things look like. You have marketing momentum, and you know how to create a full-funnel marketing plan for both the short-term and the long-term. You can understand analytics, origin points, and what pages are performing.

Now, you need to refine things. You need to learn about attribution or what levers or items are activating key events and conversions on your website, such as purchases, filling out forms, or better tracking.

In these cases, we bring a sophisticated degree of counsel to your digital marketing strategy to take things from good to great. Sometimes in as little as a 30-minute call, we can help you improve brand campaigns that aim to increase your share of voice in your market. We also balance complementary channels, tools, and strategies, such as paid and organic. When you already know your marketing, our goal becomes supporting you by refining the digital marketing process for efficiency, higher conversion rates, and ultimately getting you the biggest bang for your buck.

Moving Forward With Purpose

Discovering what stage of the digital marketing process you’re in is a critical first step. Here’s where we can take you from there:

1. Research and Establish Goals

The best digital marketing strategies are backed by rock-solid data. You want updated, relevant research on your current customers, competitors, and market.

Once you have this, you can set up SMART goals and objectives. These use metrics and KPIs that help you understand if you’ve met your goals and are honed in on the results you’re looking for right now.

This stage is so important that it represents the entire first step of digifora’s comprehensive marketing strategy process called the “4 D’s.” This is called “Discover,” and it revolves around understanding your brand’s needs to ensure every campaign delivers real, measurable results.

2. Create a Holistic Digital Marketing Strategy

Once you know the stage you’re in, you’ve done your research, and you’ve established clear, measurable goals, it’s time to create your digital marketing strategy. As you do so, our goal is to make sure you stay comprehensive and realistic every step of the way.

This includes making thoughtful, informed, budget-conscious decisions about:

  • What media you will purchase.

  • What content you will create.

  • What distribution channels you will use.

  • What tactics you will use to push out marketing messaging.

Throughout this process, we help you stay customer-centric, keeping personalization and the end-user’s journey and experiences in mind at every step.

This critical strategy creation phase takes up the middle two steps of our “4 D’s” process: “Develop” and “Deploy.” You can use our proven framework to create, perfect, and implement your digital marketing strategy.

Jeremiah Gregory

Jeremiah brings nearly two decades of expertise in advertising, analytics, and digital marketing. His career encompasses developing and executing omnichannel campaigns for esteemed organizations such as Media General, Hearst Television, Flow Automotive, and Reynolds American. At digifora, Jeremiah handles growth marketing for all clients, ensuring their success in reaching target consumers through multi-channel campaigns. His strategic approach and deep understanding of the digital landscape drive impactful results, enabling clients to achieve their marketing goals efficiently. Jeremiah holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Management/Computer Information Systems and an MBA from Appalachian State University. A native of Winston-Salem, he currently resides in Pfafftown with his wife Erin and their three daughters, Elizabeth, Samantha, and Madelyn.


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